About LNA

The Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association (LNA) is the official organization of Portland, Oregon’s Laurelhurst neighborhood. Our Board, committee chairs, and coordinators are over 25 active members who help keep the neighborhood engaged, viable and safe.

Every resident of Laurelhurst is a member of the LNA and invited to participate.  Join your neighbors, make friends, and make your neighborhood a better place for everyone!

Board Members

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President, Kayleen Kusterer

Vice President, (vacant)

Secretary, Chris Brewster

SEUL Rep, (vacant)

Treasurer, Benn Egan

NW Quad Rep, Debra Ronsvalle

NE Quad Rep, John Deodato 

SE Quad Rep, Abigail Smock

SW Quad Rep, Steven Rebischke

At Large Rep, Ru Budhi  

Communications Officer, Lisa Kostova

Committees & Coordinators

Arches, Chris Brewster

Beautification, Vanessa Robinson

BottleDropJohn Deodato

Century Home Plaques, Johnyne Wascavage

Coe CircleTom Johnson

Clean Up Day, Available

Friends of Laurelhurst ParkPeggy Glascock

Garage SaleChris Brewster

Land Use/Transportation, Steven Fisher

LNETDan Stefanisko/Paul Litwinczuk

Newsletter Editor, Joanne O’Donnell 

Newsletter Ad ManagerKalyn Culler Cohen 

Picnic Coordinator, Abigail Smock

Public Safety & TrafficAlan Comnes & Vanessa Robinson

The Laurelhurst Club Committee, Kayleen Kusterer

Please see our Volunteer page for details. 

Contact us about VACANT positions.

Committee Descriptions


The Arches committee works to maintain and preserve the Laurelhurst Arches.  Seven arches, built in 1909, stand at the main entrances to Laurelhurst.


The Beautification committee works on projects that keep our neighborhood beautiful. 


The LNA provides blue bags for residents to fill with refundable containers and return to a BottleDrop collection point.  The refunds go to the LNA and are used to maintain the Arches.

Clean Ups 

The Clean Up coordinators organize Laurelhurst’s annual neighborhood spring cleanup.  They welcome volunteers for the one-day event at Laurelhurst School.

Coe Circle

Friends of Coe Circle works in conjunction with Portland Bureau of Transportation, the Arts Council (who manages the Joan of Arc statue), and the Forestry department (in charge of the circles trees). We take care of the flower beds, the weeds, clean up and pruning. We are subsidized by the LNA. We are volunteer residents of Laurelhurst and welcome anyone to participate in our work parties.

Communications Committee

This committee includes the Newsletter Coordinator and the Newsletter Ads manager. 

Friends of Laurelhurst Park

Friends of Laurelhurst Park (FLP) is a voluntary group of neighborhood residents and park friends who have worked for thirteen years in concert with Portland Parks and Recreation staff to maintain and enhance Laurelhurst Park through work parties and special projects. Our projects range from pruning, planting, mulching, and invasive plant removal to planning on special projects like paths and dog off-leash issues.  We welcome new faces for a single work party or on a continuing basis.  We work on the second Wednesday of the month, from April to October, with special events during the year.  More information and schedules are at the Kiosk on the north side of the park.

Historic Identity & Education Committee 

The Historic Education committee organizes events and educational programs relating to Laurelhurst’s history, including the Historic Home Tour and Century Plaques. The committee also answers questions from residents and others about the historic district.

Land Use  

The Land Use committee reviews and comments to the city on proposed development and conditional use applications in and around Laurelhurst.

Laurelhurst Club Committee

The Laurelhurst Club Committee (previously the Property Committee) manages The Laurelhurst Club and supports its community use, with guidelines. It is the primary contact for neighbors seeking to use the club for community for related events.

Laurelhurst Tree Team – Friends of Trees

Our trees serve and protect our neighborhood in many ways: the beauty of their foliage; shade for walkers; habitat for birds and other small creatures; ecological benefits in filtering pollutants from our air and water; converting and sequestering carbon dioxide. The Laurelhurst Tree Team seeks to improve the health of our neighborhood trees as part of a larger effort to build community so we all thrive in our urban forest. Friends of Trees aims to: provide learning resources to the community so that we can improve the health of our trees, maintain a database of tree information to promote neighborhood ownership of the tree canopy, provide skills and expertise to help organize tree related events, and build community through positive local action.

Laurelhurst Neighborhood Emergency Team (LNET)

INeighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) are Portland residents trained by PBEM and Portland Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhoods. NET members are trained to save lives and property until professional responders can arrive.  While not an official LNA Committee, our neighborhood team is led by Laurelhurst neighbors. LNET’s co-leaders are Dan Stefanisko and Paul Litwinczuk at laurelhurstnetteamleader@gmail.com.

Public Safety and Traffic Committee

The Safety Committee addresses crime and safety issues which impact the livability of the neighborhood and the welfare of Laurelhurst residents.  The committee also assists with addressing traffic safety issues.

Providence GNA and TWG Committee

The Good Neighbor Agreement (GNA) Standing Committee works with Providence Portland Medical Center (PPMC), the Laurelhurst Neighborhood Association, and the North Tabor Neighborhood Association to implement the conditions for approval of the PPMC’s 2012 Master Plan. The Traffic Working Group (TWG) subcommittee of the GNA committee works on traffic safety and parking issues related to PPMC.

Coordinator Descriptions

Yard Sale

The Yard Sale coordinator organizes Laurelhurst’s annual yard sale. Proceeds from the sale are used to maintain the arches.

Newsletter Ad Manager 

The Newsletter Ad manager assists with coordinating the advertisements that fund the LNA’s newsletter.


The Picnic coordinator organizes Laurelhurst’s annual neighborhood picnic in the park.  This is usually in early August.  Volunteers to help with setup and takedown are greatly appreciated.

Web and Email Manager

The web and email manager is responsible for the LNA’s website, email, and social media.

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